Tuesday, August 3, 2010

moms work is never done...we adapt!

...even when mom is sick, she continues to be "mom"...at least this one does. I don't know if it is the inner "care giver" in me or just a mothers instinct...but when your kiddos are sick and you are sick....do you still feel the calling to "take care' of them?
I do and my good friends that are moms tell me they do too.

 Despite my 101 degree fever I got up every 3-4(more like 2-3) hours to check on my kiddos. Marissa had a temp over 102 all night, she was up to 103.1 at one point. Little Xavi hung around 99.9/ 100.2. I think Xavi was more from his "teething" BUT I still monitored it since sissy had a high one.

and daddy...well he slept all night! I used to get pissed off about daddy sleeping all night, but not anymore. It is just a mothers instinct...ever heard of "fatherly instinct"....me either! Well some dads may claim that they have it...but its generally after MOM has put the idea in their head.....you know the selective listening...they do absorb some of what we say over and over again!

 Now after 7years of marriage I ASK for help. Instead of getting all pissed off and expecting my husband to READ MY MIND, I wake him up and say " Hey I need your help". Communication.....it never stops! expectations...you have to have REAL ones!

there has been only one time when Marissa was very very sick that he stayed awake too.....he was worried. When marissa had a parasite infection and had bloody vomit and stools....he really did worry. During this particular illness I was in NURSE mode, calm cool collective and marco was the worried wort.  In real times of stress, I turn inward to focus and go over and over the options and outcomes in my mind. Thinking through what could happen, what to look for and how to prevent any other issues. Some would call this "flight or fright" but I call it SURVIVAL.
Survival mode also know as "resourceful chelsea" is one of my better qualities/gifts!

Although I felt quite crappy myself, my mom role continued. The fact is once a MOM always a MOM!

Whether or not you adopted/ fostered  or gave birth to a child, the day you became the "mom" is the day your life changed. You are now NOT the only priority...I mean you ARE a priority but you get pushed down on the list. I do believe in the saying "if momma ain't happy, nobody is happy", but i interpret it differently. I make it a point to do things for myself, but not at the sacrifice of my children's overall well being. I am the first to say that as moms we have to take of ourselves, but since we are moms we have to adapt. We did choose to become moms ( yes even if you were SURPRISED by your pregnancy you DID participate in the activities that lead to getting pregnant) ;)

For example I am a runner, and before I had children i ran whenever I wanted to, now I have to schedule it...so I run in the early morning or at a time one child is at school and I can push the other in a stroller.

I want to leave you with this quote...it is my own!

As moms we are the role model, be a healthy one, mind body and spirit!

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