Monday, August 2, 2010


Well today I am feeling quite YUCKY! I am in on of my "moods'. So I am anxious, worried, a little depressed and a little angry. Hey you know we all have days like this whether or not we are on medications the moods do come and go. I am also fighting some kind of viral I had to call into work. ARGH my grown up time...won't be happening tonight. Sometimes we all need a MENTAL break and on top of the fever I am running, my "moods" I should probably NOT be taking care of others. Yes my sista agrees...THANKs La Weasil for the constant support!!! She is always the first I call when I am having my "moods". Since we went through all the 'childhood shit' together she understands and doesnt judge. I have some great great BFF's but this is just one of those "if you havent walk in my shoes" you just dont quite understand situations.

So what I want to say today is "stop pretending"! Everybody has drama in their lives, Nobodies relationship with their significant other is absolutely "storybook" perfect! If you are waking up everyday wondering what you can do to make them smile, keep them in a "good" mood, "help them", fix them...then you need a HUGE reality check.
I am going to INSERT one of my on.....

Chelsea's take on love....Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 11:08pm

If your reading are curious....thats on..but know this is my opinion ( me have an opinion...hahahhah) and also know i have been through ALOT in my 34 years...and those who know me...really know this....and well they also really "get me" understand me and still call me in times of need and crisis....

Love is being able to GET ANGRY, really angry with your love and then tell them about it...or yell it at them. Love is being able to step back and say I was wrong....but we need to talk. It is being able to accept the things you can not change, and focus on the BIG things that brought you together!

NOBODY is perfect. NO relationship is perfect. and pretending to BE PERFECT is just a sign that things are NOT prefect and that your relationship just may be trouble.

LOVE is compromise. agreeing to disagree. It is GIVE and TAKE. You TAKE a got to give more back.

Love is NOT giving giving...compromising all the time....making others constantly happy, it is not "keeping the peace". If you are doing will be EXHAUSTED and DRAINED and you will become disengaged from your will start to resent them.

Love is NOT picking up the pieces...all the time. Let them fall where they may...because afterall you cant FIX everything.

If you cant look at your LOVE and say " I am so angry I could spit"; ""screw you" or better yet "F*&$ you I am pissed off"., If you cant look at your love and break down into tears or you cant tell them I need help, or your cant ask them for help....then you can not be REAL with them. It is those REAL moments that grow your relationships...that defines your relationship...matures it.

So STOP reading into movies and books that portray "perfect relationships". I love a good love story...but can they be more real to life.....REAL life.

Dont be afraid to let your kids know that you are angry with your love or that you had a fight...are having a fight...why...because if they see real conflict and see real conflict "worked through" then they will take that with them into their lives and they will be able to work through many different types of conflict as they grow.

If you dont TRUST your love...maybe you should really really look hard at yourself....why do you NOT trust this person that you chose to spend your life with.....(there are some reasons that are obvious-but if that never happened then THINK about why).

YOU ARE TWO PEOPLE WHO CAME TOGETHER TO SHARE A LIFE...that shit about "two people becoming one" CRAZINESS. If you find that you LOST yourself before or during your LOVE then maybe you shouldnt be with them...because you should always be you.....a seperate unique different person than your love....your are not ONE.

People have a HARD time "changing"...I am not going to say that people cant nOT change...but dont think you can change someone....because they have to WANT the change in them.

LASTLY......if you do NOT love can NEVER Love another...nor can anyone truly love you. So figure your shit out before.....

So thats my take on love...i could go on forever...but I need to shower and go to bed.

THANKFUL and Blessed to have Marco Antonio Vargas Castillo in my life.....he is a great beautiful soul...Te Amo Mucho Mi Amore!

some quotes to ponder

"Whenever you're in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude.”

“I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you.”

“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

“Don't ever give up on something or someone that you can't go a full day without thinking about.”

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! I can learn a lot from my wise friend Chelsea! :-)
